Monday, January 27, 2014

I don't want

I don’t want men
Who smile like sin;

Their charming smile,
Trapping you in their webs,
Sending my heart into a frenzy
Pumping my veins with too much blood, A little more
And they will explode.

I don’t want boys
With hearts of a rock star;

Their rules of living on the edge
Consist of breaking my heart and over dosing
Staying on the run from the life they despised
They forget who put them there.

I don’t want girls
Who follow the latest trends;

She’s nothing but a heart breaker;
NEW FLASH: Being a Lesbian is in,
I am nothing but a new purse around her wrist
Six months is all we have
Before I’m thrown away

I don’t want women
Who want forever;

I’m too young to promise you never
I could break your heart, With
Forever cold feet
And a damaged heart
If I promised you forever I would be just like them.

So for now hold your breath, I
Promise to welcome you into my heart
Just wait a little longer.

Drafted for so long I don't remember if i wrote it or I got it from somewhere...?

            You left me alone as you flew to the heavens I turned my head away,
            I was filled with hate as you abandoned me there that night.
            Somehow you stand beside me tonight, I try to hold your hand
            Yet it vanishes. Unable to grab your warmth I want to cry.
            I was wrong. Angels should fly. I realize that now.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

I give myself three days to feel better,
or else I swear I'll drive off a fucking cliff.
Because if I can't learn to make myself feel better,
then how can I expect anyone else to give a shit?

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Sometimes I wake up with my head in my throat and my heart in my hands.